Rumple Standard

  • Unlimited Users/Unlimited Support
  • Live On-Demand Sales Training
  • Works with your Traffic System
  • Powerful Projection
  • One on One Prep Sheets
  • Missing in Action / Revenue Comparison Tools
  • Media Driven Traffic (Attribution)
  • Simple Reporting
  • Advertiser Snapshot

$399 Per Month*

*per market, billed annually. $499/mo billed monthly.

Rumple Pro

Everything included with
Rumple Standard AND:

  • Mass Email Messenger
  • Follow-Up Sequencing
  • In Depth Messaging Analytics
  • AI Integration & Ad Creation

$599 Per Month*

*per market, billed annually. $699/mo billed monthly.

Rumple Enterprise

Everything included with
Rumple Standard & Pro AND:

  • Custom Design & Development
  • Custom Integration
  • Dedicated Support Representative
  • Workflow Automation
  • Tailored Feature and Functionality
  • On-Site Training/Consultation


for Rumple Enterprise pricing.

Rumple Features & Tools

Unlimited Users

Some companies charge by user, not Rumple.

Live On-Demand Media Sales Training

Train your staff more often and more effectively with live on demand media sales training. Included in your Rumple subscription.

Works with Your Traffic System

Rumple simplifies your reporting, business on the books and revenue comparison by integrating with your traffic system.

Powerful Projection

Imagine being able to anticipate budget obstacles while you can still do something about them, pretty cool right?

One on One Prep Sheet

In just minutes with our printable One on One sheets, Rumple arms and prepares managers with the ability to review all of the previous week’s asks, closes and review plans for the current week.

See Example

Missing in Action / Revenue Comparison Tools

Help your sales people keep and bill more money each month with our weekly tracking tool and revenue comparison.

Updates and Gamification

Rumple empowers managers with the ability to see patterns in advance and save months and quarters before they’re lost. Weekly update emails help you to see all your data right in your inbox. Oh, and Rumple gamification makes sales fun again, while helping your team focus on important fundamentals!

Account Management

Sales people are mobile, account management should be too. Rumple is always up to date, simple to access and instant. With powerful tools like the "second chance jar", "daily digest" and "activity/inactivity reports" managers will find rumplified account management actually generates leads they never knew existed.

Advertiser Snapshots

What if you could send sales people out on their next appointment more prepared than their competition? What if you could do it in less than 5 minutes? That’s the Rumple Snapshot!

See Example

Media Driven Traffic

When an advertiser's ad plays, Media Driven Traffic measures the number of people who visited the advertiser's website and Google business listing within 30 minutes of the ad playing. Measuring the number of online visitors can never give a complete story, but it can be a powerful way of measuring how effective each ad is.

Impression Calculator

With Rumple's Impression Calculator, your sales team will now have the ability to show clients how many impressions they can expect from their upcoming schedule. Close more deals, keep more sales, and fight off attrition with this exciting tool.

Easy Set-Up

Learn how easy it is to setup and integrate Media Driven Traffic and Impression Reports with your traffic system. Rumple has the easiest setup allowing your team to immediately start demonstrating the real power and true ROI of the advertising you sell.

Measure Lift

Are you ready for attribution super powers? With Media Driven Traffic reports you can demonstrate the increased number of visitors your campaign drove to their site. Clearly Deomstrate how your media lifted and grew the number of new visitors, web searched visitors, time spent on their website, and pages viewed. Media Driven Traffic lift report completely changes the ROI conversation.

Simple Reporting

Media Driven Traffic reports are easy to read and powerful to use. They communicate the data that matters most, in a way you and your clients can understand. No need to memorize mountains of tech jargon. Media Driven Traffic reports simply show how your client's campaign moved potential customers to search, visit, and engage on their website.

Mass Messenger

Transform your email campaigns into engaging experiences by leveraging AI to ensure a tailored and compelling communication strategy. Elevate your efforts by captivating your audience with content that resonates.

Follow-Up Sequencing

Are you ready for attribution super powers? With Media Driven Traffic reports you can demonstrate the increased number of visitors your campaign drove to their site. Clearly Deomstrate how your media lifted and grew the number of new visitors, web searched visitors, time spent on their website, and pages viewed. Media Driven Traffic lift report completely changes the ROI conversation.

Ad Integration & Ad Creation

Boosting a radio salesperson's efficiency, a lead generation tool swiftly identifies potential advertisers, freeing up time for building impactful relationships. It's the ultimate ally in streamlining prospecting for unparalleled success.